Hiraeth's first few (maybe more) chapters cringe af. Like, if you're gagging as the reader, I understand because I do to. It was written so many years ago so that played a part. I like to improvise too so some details tend to go different from the source material but I constantly try and look up the details so I can nail Magi on the head.
On another note, I made Aoren quite OP but Yukiko is different I have something for her.
It was written like so many years ago and my writing was really... well let's say it's something that makes you want to cry when you go back and read it after so many years. Cry from embarrassment that is.
I'm trying to write as much chapters as I can so I can post in steady succession. But man there really is a blockade in my head. I should go reread the manga and maybe finish reading it finally.
Thank you for patiently waiting!