
Also guys; my crazy ex tried getting back together with me last night


Guys. I literally start school tomorrow. And I have another golf match after school. And I have one after school on Wednesday. Then on thrusday I have 6-7 am practice. It’s like coach is trying to ruin me.


Guys I’m so proud of myself!!! I made the JV team for my highschool golf and I already played three matches:) today they let me sub in for a varsity player and I got to play a full 18!!!! Usually on JV you only play 18 holes at conference. I did have to get up at 5:15 in the morning bc we had to be at the school at 6:45 so I’m a wee bit tired but yk it’s okay!!


Y’all I feel stupid when I make an announcement and no one replies to it…. Anywhosie, does anyone have any book requests? Fanfics or tropes I don’t really mind message me privately or respond on the board<3 
              Much love to you all❤️