
just a quick psa: i do not and have not supported many of the dsmp people for a long time now. 
          	Just wanna put that out there. I however will not be deleting nepenthe, mostly since that is a project I have such love for and was not for those people in the first place. Like I said years ago now, those names were place holders.
          	It also will most likely not be updating it at all anymore since most of those people named make wanna vomit so yeah 


just a quick psa: i do not and have not supported many of the dsmp people for a long time now. 
          Just wanna put that out there. I however will not be deleting nepenthe, mostly since that is a project I have such love for and was not for those people in the first place. Like I said years ago now, those names were place holders.
          It also will most likely not be updating it at all anymore since most of those people named make wanna vomit so yeah 


this message may be offensive
If you have time, please update nepenthe. Its really fucking underrated and I love the book so much. I also like how you've kinda crossed the last of us and dsmp. They're both one of my favourite things to watch/play. Anyway take your time my love <33333


back from the dead. all imagine books are discontinued, nightfall is on stand by since i was writing that on the side since 2019 and just got tired of looking at it in my drafts so i said screw it and published it, enjoy it while it's there. go follow me on twitter, im mostly active on the freaking website.


also the teen wolf books are dead, forget those exist. they are just up because im sentimental and i want to see how far i've come with writing.


Some of the comments on the earliest posts I did on my Peter/ Tom books, just make me so upset. There’s no need to curse and call ‘reader’ all those terrible names. 
          Yes, I know they aren’t that well written, but I keep them there cuz I am proud of them no matter what. I wrote those when I was 15. That book has been up for over 2 years, and I keep those early chapters up to see the progress I’ve made in writing.
          But either way, please still think before you comment. I do appreciate the feedback, but some times it hurts the author a lot. 


Hi everyone, so I’ve kinda been staying away from social media recently due to spoilers for IW and I’ve been thinking a lot, so I think I’m going to call a hiatus. I just wanted to let you all know how I’ve been doing since you all left me such beautiful messages on my last update. My grandfather has passed and I really haven’t been myself recently, and I don’t want to leave you guys hanging. So for right now, bye and I love you all <3 
          Thank you all so much for the support and love