Hey, girl, it's been so fucking long, it's insane. Plus, I accidentally unfollowed you during my account cleansing, so sorry about that. Just want to pop in to checkup on you. Hope everything is going well. Also, I see you follow dyiansobrien. Have you read Training Wheels???
@lilysbitch I feel incredibly honored to know that. I'm never changing the pfp or the theme. I'm terrified of accidentally losing any of my wattpad found family members. (Btw, I never asked, who is Lily and why are you their bitch? HSHSHS) yes, Training Wheels is my favorite fic ever ever ever. Have you started reading the sequel yet?
@hannnnaaah NO cus I also used to beg my mom for themed bday parties and never got them lol+tody I woke up to a message from my aunt telling me that my cousin insisted on sending me a cookie that has 'swiftie ' written on it along with heart sunglasses and my heart melteddd