If anyone has any suggestions on stuff to read on here please tell me because i have no idea what to read lol
@lilystream13 XD oof Ok look at all my reading lists on my profile, and you shall find wondrous stuff. And everything I've written of course ;) *flips hair* And please still check out all those real books recommendations :P
@lilystream13 CHILD WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT TO READ I HAVE GIVEN YOU COUNTLESS RECOMMENDATIONS GURL AH Okay - The Lunar Chronicles (must!) - Six of Crows (must!) - Shadow and Bone Trilogy (same author as Six of Crows, and same world, but different characters and story) - The Mortal Instruments - The Dark Artifices (must read after the mortal instruments, or you will get spoilers for that series) - Anything on my profile pretty much :P <3