
Merry Christmas! What was everyone's favorite gift? I got FujiFilm Instax mini 70 Polaroid Camera!


Dear Bullies,
          You know that boy you pushed over yesterday? He committed suicide last night. That girl you called fat? She's starving herself. And that boy you teased for crying? His mother died. You know that man you made fun of for his scars? He fought for our country. That man you stole the little leather pouch off of? He was homeless. And everybody else that you've been mean to? You've either hurt them real bad or ruined their life. Post this on your profile if you're against bullying. I bet 99% of you won't, but if you're that 1% with the time and heart, then show it


Hey guys :D I just wanted to check in with you guys and look at everything.
          I feel like there's probably a lot of you from my older fanfics (That are, obviously, not here anymore) That may feel like I don't really think about the old stuff, that I don't go back and see it.
          I don't see it, obviously, it's gone, but I do see it. It's all over my followers, it's all over my notifications from old things I read, it's all over. If any of you have been here since... Team A or whatever it was called, thanks for not unfollowing! Maybe some of you are new and only came here after Night Sky started, or even Matched By Choice.
          Also, I deleted that one. I got to the point where they met, but I didn't know where to take it from there. I don't want to keep a story on my profile that will never be finished. I don't know where to take Night Sky either. I decided a while ago that there would be no drama except for what I planned. However, I lost my planning sheet. I don't remember where I wanted to take it, and I think giving Alaska a job wasn't the best decision.
          I also want to shout out to @Mooshroom16 because she's been here nearly since the beginning and didn't un-follow when my profile changed.
          Thank you, all of you. I love you all so much and I have no idea how to tell you that without it being just a thousand words or so.
          Thank you <3


Thank you. :) And thank You for being there while I was writing book one, & for putting me in your book, & not getting mad when Alexa & Grace got in a fight where there're not talking for a while in my book XD. 