
re1, bourbon coffee, & ps2.


it's meeee :3


Ranni’s quest is so long... T_T but completing it is rewarding imo 


i literally just beat the dlc final boss today. it hurt my soul deeply


it's funny because i did her quest when i first played the game but also ranni's quest + frenzied flame so i got the frenzied flame ending first then ranni and the golden order ending(?) i even fought fortissax 


letters,    only to,   arwen.


dearest, darling, arwen. /   i am as well as one
            can be.   touching or looking at grass tends to
            remedy one's   tethered soul──so i am better.
            love, to me, is a ... plague.             for me, it is a
            festering wound...   & though morbid, it is true
            to myself.   i love to love, love to adore──but i
            see it as something not meant for me. i watch
            it from afar, desire it for myself!──but it's just
            not mine to have.      i have many i do love, you
            included, but romantic love is very difficult for
            me not only to comprehend,   but to handle. a
            love that is platonic, but strong, is bound to rot
            in my hand.  i am simply not deserving of love.
            thank you for asking!      i like talking about my
            experiences (if you couldn't tell.)   what is love
            to you personally?          is it as difficult as me?
            xo, your angel. ♡


[ps.]       i find i now rather like calling you things
            like gorgeous.  i wonder...  (because you are? ♡)


darling arwen.   i caught your message again! ♡
            i love seeing you show up in my notifications. in
            a wall of words like a weighted blanket;    again,
            you are ever the charmer. warmth encapsulates
            me like a hug &      you, the warmest of them all.
            you say       your work has been hard;     about it,
            tell me.  i understand when writing gets.. tough.
            lover, get rest; maybe with my snoring, i may lull
            you to sleep, into the dreaming we slip together.
            i love the way you type now.   so much care into
            every word, as per usual;  as if you carry a robin
            rather than your sentence.  but i love that about
            you. never really careless, are you?    cherishing,
            comforting, adoring;   i (a wounded animal) find
            i am safe around you.  i love you, o, gentle voice
            of sleep.         whilst a tempest winds within me,
            here you speak.  praising me.  please rest good,
            as well as have a wondrous day!    i sleep better 
            with knowledge that you are well.      goodnight.
            yours. [a mess/naeris♡.]    sleep well, beautiful.


alert, alert!


arwen, i love you, but
            why do  you  like me?
            why do       you hang
            around me? im... so
            not well-spoken. my
            words are bad,,  and
            even trash!      don't i
            embarrass you?  the
            loving light of my life,
            caringly,   softly,  you
            kiss me and i swoon.
            as always, ha...       ♡
            i hope,               if you
            break me,             my
            shards            will be
            worth      something
            for     your     trouble.


sigh;  when you  send  me poems worthy
            of the history book,   it makes me swoon.
            ( that's so embarrassing. ) i like it though.


( does this look right? )