
I can’t believe people still read Locked In, thank you to everyone who has given it a chance, it means a lot! 


I will no longer be writing for a couple of reasons, one I’ve grown out of writing fan fiction and second my laptop no longer functions and I don’t have the money right now to get a new one. I also have issues with my hands so I am unable to use my phone to write. I am sorry, I will be leaving my account up and still reading! 


There will only be 3 stories I am working on currently, one I’m trying to finish (Raising Macy), one is ongoing (The Choice) and a new story that I’m really excited for. 


@lindsmjay yay!!! I love The Choice


Lmao so I just re-read “You Are Home” and I think I might have to just scrap it unless I change Arzaylea with Sierra because that’s how long it has been that I started this story  should I keep it or delete it? 
          Keep in mind I have another Malum mpreg I am working on and will be posting soon 


I am SO SORRY I haven’t updated either Raising Macy or The Choice...although I don’t know if anyone even still reads my stories  but I promise to have them updated as soon as I can. It has been really busy for me but I am really sorry ! 


@lindsmjay I love the choice!!! And it's alright, take your time (I'll be waiting for that update tho) :)


you’re welcome!


Thank you so much @lillian5sos that means a lot x 