
I've finally written my own book. It's called Merge. I'll be writing at least two to three chapters a day. If I feel really inspired maybe I can go up to five. But at least even if it's a hard day I'll try to have one chapter written. I know it sounds slow but I'm going to be writing long chapters, so that should stave off the more hungry readers. I'll try to have all of the chapters up before 12 pm. If it's a little late sorry for all the people who go to bed early. I'm a night owl myself. Thank you for giving my book a try.


I've finally written my own book. It's called Merge. I'll be writing at least two to three chapters a day. If I feel really inspired maybe I can go up to five. But at least even if it's a hard day I'll try to have one chapter written. I know it sounds slow but I'm going to be writing long chapters, so that should stave off the more hungry readers. I'll try to have all of the chapters up before 12 pm. If it's a little late sorry for all the people who go to bed early. I'm a night owl myself. Thank you for giving my book a try.