Hello! I am genuinely so sorry that I have not been posting for a looooong while.
When you only have one free afternoon per week, it is too much pressure to put on yourself that you should write and publish several chapters to a story, and still follow a good storyline. I put that pressure on myself, but I soon realised that I could not do it.
This message does not mean that new chapters are coming soon, but more so that they are coming sometime, because I love this idea to much to let it go.
Maybe it will be in two weeks or maybe it will be at the end of the summer. I am not sure, but I do know that I will have more time for this next semester, but I just don't want it to become this big burden that I have to get done.
I really hope that you all understand! I will try to get back to some of my r4r now to, so if you are waiting, I will read sometime soon. Thank you for reading this! <3