hey guys uh if i don’t post anything new it’s because im admitting myself to a psych ward because i really need help rn tbh. ily stay safe n drink water <3
hey guys uh if i don’t post anything new it’s because im admitting myself to a psych ward because i really need help rn tbh. ily stay safe n drink water <3
hey guys, sorry i haven’t been posting, stuff has been really hectic lately. my mental health is getting worse n im back on my bullshit. but i’m trying... i guess.
@linoscat take your time bby!!! Just focus on your health first, it wouldn't hurt us readers if you'd take a break and I'm always here if you'd like someone to talk to ❤
merry christmas guys!!!! (if you celebrate it of course!) i pierced my eyebrow cuz i wanted to match with felix n hyunjin when they had their fake ones for double knot uwu. stay safe n eat lots of food for me!! ^^
@favOriTetrash yeah, i had to pierce my ear twice with the needle & i have a low pain tolerance so i almost passed out when i did it,, pain depends on the person. my eyebrow one didn't hurt as much but the needle got stuck so i couldn't put the piercing in it before the hole closed :(