@lirelirela. The boys, COdy, Aiden and Ashton, sent me over to thank you for reading and voting and commenting on their story A Kiss Is Just a Kiss. We hope you've enjoyed their little shenanigans....
What? No, you're right, I'm sorry, their not shenanaigans.... I was trying to be funny. No need to get all upset about it
FIne, you're not upset. You're a man... Ugh, Aiden is man, hear him roar....
NO, I'm not maknig fun of you. I'm just rying to bring a little levity to my litlte thank you note. You always get so bent out of shape.... which surprises me cuz you're like the most caveman of the three of you... I just....
No I'm not calling you a Neanderthal.... Its just a figure of speech....
Look can I get back to thanking our reader for all her love that she's given the story.... Great.
Anywho.... sorry about that....
Thanks for reading.... Hope you've enjoyed it so far. :)