
A qualquer momento Storm's End volta. Para quem está lendo e acompanhando, guenta aí, e obrigada pelo apoio!


Hello, guys! I am really grateful for all the votes and comments posted on Storm’s End, thank you so much! Unfortunately due to this delicate situation I had to take a break from writing. But don’t worry, this is not the end! Storm’s End will be continuing sometime around JULY/AUGUST. Thank you for all the support and patience. If anything changes I’ll be able to restart sooner! Thank you all for everything so far and see you soon!


Olá, pessoal! Fico muito grata pelos votos e comentários em Storm’s End! Obrigada a todos que estão acompanhando e peço desculpas a quem aguarda novos capítulos! Neste momento delicado precisei colocar a história em pausa. Mas tenham certeza de que ainda não é o fim! A previsão de retorno é JULHO/AGOSTO! Espero contar com a paciência e a compreensão de todos os leitores! Muito obrigada! 


Hello @lisabell2019 hope you are fine. I have been wondering why you haven't updated my favourite book. Looking forward to reading from you. Stay safe


Hi! I’m so sorry for not replying earlier! I’ve been dealing with other urgent priorities so I won’t be able to update right now, but around July or August I should be able to get back to the story! I hope you’ll forgive me for this huge gap and have the patience to wait till I can restart! As always, thank you for your support! I really appreciate it!! Xoxo