
So, I adjusted my tags a bit. If you came to my story and are reading it because one of my tags that I have just took off, no worries. I will be adding tags as the story progresses as to not have any spoilers on what the next universe it's going to be in. All the ones I had a tag of, will show up at one point. Also, sorry fir making you wait for... Oh, dang. Over a year. Yeah. Working on getting better. Keyword, 'Working'. Anyways, thanks for sticking with me! Hope to brings you more chapters soon!


So, I adjusted my tags a bit. If you came to my story and are reading it because one of my tags that I have just took off, no worries. I will be adding tags as the story progresses as to not have any spoilers on what the next universe it's going to be in. All the ones I had a tag of, will show up at one point. Also, sorry fir making you wait for... Oh, dang. Over a year. Yeah. Working on getting better. Keyword, 'Working'. Anyways, thanks for sticking with me! Hope to brings you more chapters soon!


Yo! Sup, just wanted you to know, still alive. And a procrastinator as ever. I'm getting updates done, just... slowly. And I really can't school anymore not that it's Summer... I'm taking sign and I'm a counselor for some camps but overall... Got a decent amount free time. So who knows? Updates perhaps? Slightly quicker than a few months. Perhaps.


So you know those days when you feel like you have bad luck all over you and wonder what the flippin' heck did you to deserve this? That is me for a few days. Okay, in martial arts we do a workout that makes me so sore, I'm still sore three days later. Then, the next day I take a shower, slam my finger in the door and scrape both elbows. What the heck?! Then, today... omg. I'm leaving the house to go to the dentist and I slam the door on my toe. And it rips the skin of my toe open. Okay so at first I just think, oh it's probably just bruised! No. No, it really wasn't. As I'm getting in the car, I look down and, well... my hand is covered in blood, and my toe looks bloody and mangled. And so I was just like, W. H. A. T. I mean, it didn't even hurt that much! It was actually not THAT bad, but when I first actually saw it? Panic city. But yeah I'm fine. Put, like, three band-aids on it after washing it off so, it's fine now! But now I'm scared what tomorrow will bring. No more bad luck pleeeeease!


Okay, so, me? Not much of a horror story fan since I get easily scared. But it was recommended, so I started watching this creepy murder mystery series. With a ton of jump scared and seriously messed up things and peope. All in all, I'm freaking out having mini heart attacks in my bed in the very morning when it's still dark out, scared outta my wits but still watching because I love the plot. So yeah, hah, ha, ha... I know who's getting absolutely NO sleep tonight!


Oof, I'm in medi/graphic and it's SO fun so far! Usually I'd already have experience of I took WHEEL but since I didn't and instead did music, this is my first class like this and so far even though I've only had it for two days, it's crazy fun! My teacher is real lax about everything and allows a lot of creativity saying that we can explore and play around with the programs as much as we want it we can still manage to complete the assignment in the end. So now my favorite class is a tie between drama and media/graphic. Drama is awesome because it's full of people that I can relate to. Most like anime and doing the same things as I do. We're all a little weird and quirky and that's what I love. Plus our teacher's crazy nice and even understands a bunch of the random quirky things we say and do and sometimes even joins in herself.  Okay, not sure where this is going so just going to end this he-