daily jasper fact: tmr is my first *real* day at my new job and jasper is gonna come in and say hi! i work at a bagel and coffee shop so ill take his order and bring his food to him<3
jasper fact: the new baby in jaspers family wouldn’t leave him alone at thanksgiving dinner last night, he would cry whenever he wasn’t with him and wouldn’t give anyone else the time of day lolz
daily jasper fact: i pre ordered jasper a figure for his birthday and it literally won’t come until his birthday NEXT YEAR, the preorder was really cheap but the ship date is “Q3 2025” lmfaooo he says it still counts for this year tho lol
daily jasper fact: jasper and i got super nice seats for the tyler concert tonight because of our friend! it was so incredible and we had such a good time! jaspers dad somehow snuck into the venue and said he really enjoyed it lol