
Hi, my beautiful love bugs <3 
          	It's been two months since I've posted any new chapters and all I could say is that writers block is a REAL thing. Little by little I'm getting back into writing I know I lost my way, but I'm finding myself back.... So, be expecting chapters within a week or two, love bugs. I'm genuinely having a good time writing chapters and it's been a while since I've felt content. 
          	Stay tuned, bugs 
          	                                   xoxo, soraide


Hi, my beautiful love bugs <3 
          It's been two months since I've posted any new chapters and all I could say is that writers block is a REAL thing. Little by little I'm getting back into writing I know I lost my way, but I'm finding myself back.... So, be expecting chapters within a week or two, love bugs. I'm genuinely having a good time writing chapters and it's been a while since I've felt content. 
          Stay tuned, bugs 
                                             xoxo, soraide


Hey guys I wrote a story when I was 14 and it really does suck in my opinion, so I might delete the whole story and write a different one. I have some knew Ideas that I want to write about, so if you have and type of genres you would like me to write about please let me know in the comments or send me a DM. I appreciate all the support you've given me with this story but it needs an upgrade. 
                ~Sincerely Soraide ♥️


¡Hola! Me paso por tu perfil, para invitarte a leer mi novela, me gustaría contar con tu apoyo.
          ❀ Se titula “Amber: Estrellas Fugaces” puedes encontrarla en mi perfil. De verdad significaría mucho para mí, se que la vas a amar.
          ❥ Espero que te guste, me lo podrías hacer saber mediante:
          Un voto, si te gustó. ★
          Un comentario, para compartir tú opinión. ✎
          & añadiéndola a tú biblioteca. ✔
          ☪ Es muy importante para mí tu visita, ¡Anda ánimate! No es uno de esos molestos spam, te aseguro que si le das una oportunidad, no te vas a arrepentir.
          ✺ En fin; sigueme si te apetece, gracias por tú tiempo, y perdón por el spam.
          Besos y alitas de pollo.