
Ah! Hello! It's been a minute hasn't it? A year though it's seemed to be an eternity. Honestly never expected to be back but I have suddenly regained my vigor for writing. I am slowly working on updating my Yoongi fic... and am also starting another fic which is coming along beautifully! However, this one is outside my usual content... and is Moon Knight themed! I considered making it combined with BTS but that seemed like quite the undertaking and honestly not the right direction/move for the fic so it is now just solely Moon Knight! I think I'll release part 1 in the morning, maybe even part two just to see how it goes, but if it's a slow response I may wait to release any more chapters until I am more settled into the writing. I may just finish writing the next few chapters before doing anything further, yk? Anyways it's great to be back!


Ah! Hello! It's been a minute hasn't it? A year though it's seemed to be an eternity. Honestly never expected to be back but I have suddenly regained my vigor for writing. I am slowly working on updating my Yoongi fic... and am also starting another fic which is coming along beautifully! However, this one is outside my usual content... and is Moon Knight themed! I considered making it combined with BTS but that seemed like quite the undertaking and honestly not the right direction/move for the fic so it is now just solely Moon Knight! I think I'll release part 1 in the morning, maybe even part two just to see how it goes, but if it's a slow response I may wait to release any more chapters until I am more settled into the writing. I may just finish writing the next few chapters before doing anything further, yk? Anyways it's great to be back!


Everyone, if you have time you should leave a kind message for Yoongi on Weverse wishing him an easy recovery. He finally got the surgery to fix his shoulder (EIGHT YEARS) and he apologized for not being able to take part in promotions for BE, so let him know we still love him and to never apologize for doing something for his own good. Get better soon Yoongi!


Hello, im waiting for update of mr.popular, its ok if it take to long i can wait (´▽`)


@kimsoojil can you what? if you’re asking about your story, you can always try a short, one chapter sort of thing, people love those. If you’re asking  about input on the bonus  then ofc you can! I just need to know who and what you’d like it to be about ❤️


I am actually trying to make story but i cant since this last month my mom will sell my phone and buy me new one