Hi, I am interested in your story Is There any Hope and i want to ask if there will be a sequel??

@DominikaChvojanov Hi, thanks for the message! As you may have noticed, I haven't uploaded a new chapter in a few years (3 years to be exact, had to go check, my reaction to that was "what?!" :D). I am finishing my studies to become a practical nurse! :) I'd really love to start writing again, but my so called "skills" are very very rusty, and I really don’t have the motivation and time to write anything worth publishing. And if I somehow did find the time and motivation to write, I'd probably would have to start a whole new story or rewrite the one I had. TLDR: I'd really love to continue/rewrite Is there any hope, but that will probably take *a while*, but nothing is set in stone in this world. Thanks again for the message, it really did make my day, since I thought that everyone had completely forgotten that fanfic :) <3