
Check out my newest work A Court of Lost Stars! 
          	With war at their doorstep, Feyre and Rhysand must relinquish what they love most—their only daughter. Nova is sent away to give her a chance to survive the war while her family is taken captive by the enemy. They swore that one day, when they escaped, they would bring their precious star home.


Check out my newest work A Court of Lost Stars! 
          With war at their doorstep, Feyre and Rhysand must relinquish what they love most—their only daughter. Nova is sent away to give her a chance to survive the war while her family is taken captive by the enemy. They swore that one day, when they escaped, they would bring their precious star home.


Do you know when you’ll be writing the sequel to princess without a crown at all?  I’m soooo looking forward to that.  


That sounds like a very long time away lol 


@shadowmama55 I have a total of 5 books coming out for Taming The Tribrid. After this series is complete I'll begin book 2 of The Princess Without a Crown  glad you're excited for it, I am too!


If you are reading Taming The Tribrid, thank you for your support! I'm going to be expanding this book into a multi-book series, so if you notice TTT has disappeared, have no fear! It will return shortly new and improved! There will be a total of five books in this series and I'm so excited to share that with you!