
Just realised wattpad has taken away dm so the only way there is to text someone is on their message board or through their stories lmao what the hell 


@little_legs55 Yeah I know it's stupid and kinda annoying. Like there's no reason to take it off. They didn't give reason for why either they just stated what was going to happen which they already did


Just realised wattpad has taken away dm so the only way there is to text someone is on their message board or through their stories lmao what the hell 


@little_legs55 Yeah I know it's stupid and kinda annoying. Like there's no reason to take it off. They didn't give reason for why either they just stated what was going to happen which they already did


Hey little_legs55 how you been doing and how your story any update so far 


@emaltoscaza yeah I’ve been mia lately but that’s because I’ve had college exams and assignments to catch up on but I will update some of my books soon 


Who would like me to make a discord chat for everyone to join ? <3


Oooo girrrl make oneee! I would join


@little_legs55 I'd join cuz I need some more online friends :)))


Thank you for bringing the story of foxy and mangel story back it great story to read 


Your welcome and good luck to write more of your stories 


No problem, it’s nice to be writing again and thank you that’s means a lot that you like reading it <3 


@little_legs55 Hi again. I know you aren't really active here currently (Heck I'm not either even if I'm trying to come back here a bit for updates and failing horribly.) I just wanted to say thank you for following back when I first got here late 2018 early 2019 when I was like ~14 it helped when I was starting with writing that at least somebody was reading. Though we barely spoke I still consider you a friend. If you wanna talk my pms are always open on here or I think I sent you a friend request on Discord. Hope you're doing well, see you again soon. :)


@little_legs55 Good to know. glad to see you again and to know things are going well. Turning 19 in April so even if I have no idea what I'm gonna do currently I guess I'm the same way. Have more ideas for things on here than I'm able to put down like at all (Especially when it comes to fnaf.). Hope to see you again soon. :) I found an account that had your name in an inactive discord server I was in, I was just guessing that was yours so if it is there's a request waiting.


@starmario552 hiya, I’m doing well thank you and sorry I haven’t been active on here, I think I’ve grown away from writing because I started to get bored of writing even though I had load of ideas I just couldn’t get my fingers working on to write. Plus I’m getting older, I’m turning 18 this year and I’ve been getting on with teenage/ adult life like college, working, I have a loving bf who I’ve almost been with for two years so that’s what’s happening for me..I’m glad I helped you start writing, that really makes me happy :) and thank you It will be nice to have a lil chat after not speaking for a while and I deleted my discord agesssss ago because I didn’t really use it and it was taking up space, thank you for the message :)


Hiya to all the people I feel like I’ve abandoned on here, I know I haven’t been active lately but that’s because I’m dealing with my mental health which I am getting to grips on but some days it feels like I have no control over it whatsoever which is frustrating and upsetting:( but anyways I want to get back to writing but I feel like I’ve lost all my motivation, I sometimes try to write a chapter but I get bored very easily or struggle but lately I’ve been finding it hard to do the littlest things like makeup, washing my face and even texting back my friends but I can feel I’m slowly getting better and getting back to do my normal stuff again which is great! but I really want to start writing again has anyone got any idea or ways to help me start writing again? Thank you<3


@little_legs55 that's how it be for me right now as welljust take one step at a time no rush :> maybe your motivation comes back if you think about the part your rlly looking forward to writing, might not be helpful but it kinda helps me out little by little ;3


@Aye_pirate_gurl yess I will definitely try that and the thing is I have so much ideas for future books but i have no motivation to write but I have to take one step at a time 


@starmario552 yeah I guess I’ll have to wait for the motivation to come back 