
Hello There!
          	I'm having a great time writing my first ever Star Wars fanfic "Control The Uncontrollable", and it's already 8 chapters out.  
          	Since I'm new to writing this kind of fanfic, it would mean a lot to me if you'd liked and commented on the chapters, as that helps pushing the story out to new readers. <3


Hello There!
          I'm having a great time writing my first ever Star Wars fanfic "Control The Uncontrollable", and it's already 8 chapters out.  
          Since I'm new to writing this kind of fanfic, it would mean a lot to me if you'd liked and commented on the chapters, as that helps pushing the story out to new readers. <3


Lil check-in friends.
          Regarding "The Leftover" do you like to have more spicyyy or more plot heavy chapters?
          Thank you. <3


@littlebird616 I'm just gonna straight up say I love both but I am gonna have to say spicy 


hiii, now that i’m posting again on “S.H.I.E.L.D academy”, I like to point out that it is a very grey story, where most characters, especially Steve and Y/n are not particularly good people. BE AWARE BEFORE AND AS YOU READ.
          ++ I will only prioritize the story if it has engagement. “The Leftovers” are still quite popular and high engament, which I love. Maybe leave some love for “S.H.I.E.L.D academy”  too if you want it to continue<3


I really do love S.H.I.E.L.D the dark version of Steve is really appealing! I really do hope it continues!


since i didn't want anyone to go to bed feeling robbed... i might have posted two parts of "The Leftovers" tonight... one part is veeeeery spiceyyyy <3
          spicy parts tend to get way less comments, which makes me think i'm a bit bad at writing them, which is the reason why i often skip actually writing the moments. if you do like them, please leave comments on those parts.


Giiiirl nooo! I think we get shy about our naughty thoughts!! Ily  thx for the smut 


@ littlebird616  sweetheart, it's not bad at all. It just that sometimes it difficult to write with only one hand. Now seriously, the way you write it's amazing. Every time i saw a new chapter it makes my day.
            Thanks for all the efforts you are putting in this (english it's not my first language, sorry for the wrong spelling)


          i just posted a new chapter on "The Leftovers", and it's safe to say it's one of my favourite parts i have written in a long time. The chapter is called 'The Game Is On'. It's longer than my other parts, so I really hope you like it.
          I would love to see people commenting on it <3
          love you all.