
I just did the dumbest mistake in a long time with my hair 
          	I have dark blue coloured hair and I decided to put on a pre-shower hair mask yesterday evening. I slept with it and let it soak in my hair for almost 12 hours as usual. But when I washed it off, the water was a lot more blue than it should… it hit me when I looked into the mirror : the mask I used was enriched with vitamins, and especially the one you use to get colour (esp. blue) out of your hair 
          	So now let’s say I have teal blue highlights for free 


I just did the dumbest mistake in a long time with my hair 
          I have dark blue coloured hair and I decided to put on a pre-shower hair mask yesterday evening. I slept with it and let it soak in my hair for almost 12 hours as usual. But when I washed it off, the water was a lot more blue than it should… it hit me when I looked into the mirror : the mask I used was enriched with vitamins, and especially the one you use to get colour (esp. blue) out of your hair 
          So now let’s say I have teal blue highlights for free 


Hello there folks! I hope y’all have a good day or whatever :) 
          I am here to seek Wattpad’s wisdom. I am currently in the process of writing -struggling to write- a paper for college  and the theme is “our bond to writing and reading”. Why do people enjoy or not reading? And writing? Is it linked or totally separate? What is the purpose of all that? Where does it come from? 
          So! If any of you is interested in answering those question, you are more than welcome to ! That would help me so much and I am genuinely interested to see if answers from Wattpad community differs from answers I got from the students of my college! 


@littleblackship In all honesty, I sometimes write by hand, but when I really want to work on a project, I prefer to type, because with the text in a document, everything is much more organized, and it's easier to edit through. 
            For me, putting words down on paper can be a great way to express emotions. It's kind of like talking to a friend, except that friend will only listen and won't judge you for your decisions and actions.
            The purpose of text is a tool used for communication, and so sure, sometimes it's merely a tool, like leaving a note as a report to the teacher about someone forgetting to bring their forms or something.


@turtely and @SydneyForestBean thank you for your answers!! I have a tiny teeny little question bc I decided to add another chapter to my paper… (what a fantastic idea I had -_-) : do you still write by hand or not and what is your link with the act of writing (not creating a story but forming words onto a page - is it emotional or just a tool or whatever?) 
            Really thanks for the answers :)


@littleblackship Reading and writing is no doubt connected, and as @turtely clearly states, fictional stories allow us momentary escape from our own mad reality, where things can be a little different, and in a way, it gives us as readers a lot of inspiration. This is probably why there is fanfiction, after reading a story, some people may feel inspired and want to create a story, and fanfiction, while still more or less based on the original works, still has a lot of imagination within.
            Also, what you read changes the way you write. I've always found my writing style very similar to the style I have been reading in that time, everything from the character naming, personalities, to grammtical structure and vocabulary. For example, after reading the original Sherlock Holmes novels continuously, I found myself always trying to talk/write much more old-timey.


Et voilà! La période de l’avent est enfin sur le point de commencer et pour nous accompagner j’ai publié le début d’un petit calendrier de l’avent dans lequel on retrouve des contes de Noël originaux, des images rigolotes et mes musiques préférées! 


Have you ever had that weird feeling where you are with people you know really well and though you just feel like you’re in a room full of stranger?
          Well, that’s my everyday life since the beginning of the school year.... I think I really need friends, even just to remember how to interact with real people


i do know that feeling all too well and it sucks. i would say just introduce yourself and slowly approach the subjects you are super passionate about and see how they react and then you can slowly bond.
            whishing you all the best <3


Okay so! I know that everybody here who’s playing genshin impact will hate me and that everybody who doesn’t play won’t give a flying fuc BUT I need to rant.
          So today is the first day of the new banners for the new dendro characters AND for Zhongli (which I really want to have) I was really excited, I converted all my primos and I made my 33 wishes for both banners. 33!!! I never ever made that much wishes at once. I should get something incredible to celebrate, no? No. Instead I got (again) Fischl. 4 times. Which meant I had Fischl in 5 exemplary... and i hate her. I dislike how much she talks, how she talks and I think she is useless in battle..... now I’m sad because I used all my primos and i have to begin everything all over again in hope of NOT HAVING FISCHL! Everybody else but not her!!!!