Did you ever think? The person you loved or perhaps still love stands in the same court as you. You need to prove that he is guilty in that case.
❝ Tuan Majistret, saya Rose Amani binti Muhammad Ahwaz, pendakwa raya yang bertugas bersama dengan Encik Ramli bin Yusof bagi pihak pendakwa. OKT ( Orang Kena Tuduh ) berada di kandang tertuduh. Menurut maklumat, OKT memahami bahasa Melayu. Saya mohon izin agar pertuduhan dibacakan kepada tertuduh, Tuan Majistret. ❞
❝ I do not admit to the first charge of corruption, Mr. Magistrate. I won't confess to a crime I didn't commit. ❞
Did you ever been one-sided? You love that person and you're still loyal to him, no matter if it either takes your life to sacrifice or your heart to get hurt.
Even if you're not the person he's after.
❝ Even we're two oceon aparts, Carmine. ❞
Or maybe...
A new chapter of your story began under your expectation.
❝ Alex? What are doing there? ❞
Well, don't expect too much abt these new chaps cause maybe saya lambat update. Btw, I'm not a pendakwa raya or something else related to it so memang akan lambat update. Dialog mahkamah pun saya rujuk google. That's all, thanks for reading this cliche yet bored story.
Segala kesalahan mohon ampun & ditegur.