
The first part of my new poem is out! I think I am going to stick with poetry for a while.


Got bran new covers for my works!! :))


@littlehendog I noticed your new covers today. I don't seem to be getting your updates sent to me for some reason. I'm not sure if that's a feature on here or not, but I do try and check the pages of my followers and the people I'm following for updates. The covers look nice, keep up the creativity!


Thank you for the follow! Do check out my book Crossroads whenever you are free. I will be eternally grateful. I recommend starting right at the beginning from the Foreword. 


@littlehendog Thank you, my good man! 


hi there, love.. thank you for the follow.. i hope you enjoy reading my works..
          and i'll appreciate it more if you will leave comments of how you felt after or what are your thoughts about them.. it doesn't matter if it's criticisms (as long as it's constructive)