
So I've been gone for a while, A levels have just eaten my life away... Anyway! I just logged in to read and saw some of my works have got crazy views and things! 
          	Just want to say I promise I will start updating again soon! - H <3


          (sorry @EmilyTheReader, i stole a saying from 'Tame'. Don't hate me!) 
          900 Reads, 13 votes and 4 comments on 'One Girl One Alpha and a lot of Trouble' seriously THANK YOU! 
          401 reads and 3 votes on 'The New The Old and The Down Right Crazy!' I just want to say thank you to everyone who has supported me, encouraged me and inspired me. So @susan_narnian02 @IamMonsterx3 @missymillward @SnapbackChicChick THANK YOU! and to everyone else, my followers, family, everyone! even the man on the moon. thank you! much love - H <3


ALMOST 550 READS ON 'One Girl One Alpha and a lot of Trouble' I MEAN WOW. JUST WOW. AND! 10 VOTES! I AM A HAPPY LLAMA TODAY! AND OVER 200 READS ON MY OTHER BOOK 'The New The Old and The Down Right Crazy!' I AM FREAKING OUT GUYS! THANK YOU!! Literally you have made my year! just wanted to say thank you!  so THANK YOU! much love -Hanne <3