
Just wanted to swing by and say thanks for the follow. I read your comments on my stories and I think they are really intelligent and I'm about to reply to them now. I'm glad you like my stories!
          Oh, and welcome to Wattpad!


oh, and thanks for the dedication on Issues. I couldn't ask for better people than you and @Reaper333 to welcome me


knowing someone likes something you created is part of the reason someone creates things in the first place. It's not selfish or superficial, it's the truth. Everyone wants to get the thoughts that we thought up ourselves for other people's consideration so technically, you can NEVER feel to much pride over someone enjoying your works


I think it means more to me than it really should when people say they love something I created so thank you for the boost in self-esteem! :)


Hello! Just wanted to welcome you to Wattpad. =D I know it's probably weird to hear from me out of the blue like this, but I stumbled across your profile and thought I'd drop a line. ^.^
          I'm totally into Middle East politics and culture myself--always up for discussion with another study.
          If you need any help around here, or looking for any good reads, I'll be lurking around somewhere. "The Dark Prince" is excellent--I loved the series.
          Well, anyway, see you!


If we are all the same, then biologically, one disease could wipe us all out . . . so, there's that.
            Two people I can't stand are those who are falsely proud of themselves and hypocrites. For a religion, it's more important to extend the olive branch than to kill those who won't go along with you. And it's hypocritical that they were started from peace but now start wars to spread the peace. It's a terrible irony.


@littlelaurelle123 I wish there was a way to do that! To make people understand that there will be differences and there should be differences and seeing as there's nothing we can do about it, we should embrace those differences. They make us who we are as individuals. No one wants to lose their identity. One way to lose your identity is to have it taken form you. The other is to force someone to share yours. There's no way we can all be the same.
            Me too. None of us can judge each other. We haven't been in each others' shoes.


@Reaper333 I think it's about time someone stood up and said we're all human beings. If one person all forced us to be the same and to believe in the same thing, we would all be dead. And I get really offended by people who judge others based off of appearance and beliefs.