
NOTE: Come June, I'll start to take down both the WIP version of A Promise Broken and the full version of Sea Foam and Silence, so if you want to read them best hurry! Both will remain for sale, of course, and I'll undoubtedly leave up samples.
          	This decision has been a fairly long time in the making, and sadly right now I'm not in the headspace to discuss it in detail. I've already pulled the shorter and far less popular works, but I wanted to give you all a heads-up and a chance to read or reread the pieces if you wanted to!


NOTE: Come June, I'll start to take down both the WIP version of A Promise Broken and the full version of Sea Foam and Silence, so if you want to read them best hurry! Both will remain for sale, of course, and I'll undoubtedly leave up samples.
          This decision has been a fairly long time in the making, and sadly right now I'm not in the headspace to discuss it in detail. I've already pulled the shorter and far less popular works, but I wanted to give you all a heads-up and a chance to read or reread the pieces if you wanted to!


And with the sixth teaser, the Rapunzel, Rapunzel updates come to an end! Next week, the full collection is released into the wild, so if you've enjoyed the teasers, be sure to check out the full version as well.
          Next up for me is... Very little for the foreseeable future, I'm afraid. I'll be head-deep in moving and settling as well as a new job and I don't have anything finished to serialise.
          I hope January has been treating you kindly and that your 2017 is off to a terrific start!


Eeeeeeeeeeeep! So sorry I didn't update yesterday! My whole day was out of whack after a... Well, I guess it was a reasonably bad fall? I'm okay! Just really sore whenever I move or put pressure on where I hit the ground. I'm not sure why my whole day went out of whack as a result, but I know I tried to minimise computer use.
          It's up today, though! This is the second-last teaser, so next week we'll be looking at the thrilling conclusion of this mini-promo story cycle! See you next week!


Today's teaser is a little early! That's because I've got some time right now and expect I'll be quite busy the rest of the day. (Meep.) But yay! The next teaser is up! This is the one where the teaser narrative starts to diverge (slightly; sort of) from the actual book. It's all about perceptions and perspective, that divergence, so it ties in nicely with the overall theme of wearing social masks, I think.
          I hope you'll enjoy it!


I lied in my last comment here! I'll be sharing the "Rapunzel, Rapuzel" teasers every week starting from today! I've *just* added the first one and got the Wattpad story going.
          It comes paired with the teaser images for your full enjoyment. Though, since it's poetry, I have no idea what Wattpad will do with the formatting. Keep intact, hopefully. I'll do my best, but I've noticed that Wattpad likes to eat my formatting if I edit it after pasting it in.
          Anyway! The Teaser Verses tell a slightly different story from the complete collection, but I promise that they'll tell you a full little story in their own right. It's all about the masks that we wear in our every day lives and about embracing who we are as individuals.
          I hope you'll enjoy it!


And that's it! "Sea Foam and Silence" is now complete! Thank you so much for joining me on the verse novel ride! I hope you've enjoyed seeing our intrepid little mermaid grow and discover that love doesn't always *have* to be romantic for it to be love!
          What's next for me here on Wattpad? I don't know! I'm currently hard at work on a fantasy romance trilogy. I'm also gearing up to promote my next verse novel "Rapunzel, Rapunzel". I wrote up a short narrative for it to be shared in the weeks leading up to the release, so expect to see a very short verse tale from me in January! But beyond that, I will likely take a hiatus next year. I don't have a new serial lined up and experience shows I really, *really* need to have it finished before I start posting.
          Again, thank you so much for joining me for the serial release of "Sea Foam and Silence" here on Wattpad! I hope it's brought a smile to your face! May you find only great books to read! <3 (And may this  update show up in distinct paragraphs. >>)


YES! Paragraphs! Huzzah!


What's this? A Thursday and not one but TWO updates for Sea Foam and Silence?! Oh, yes. The serial is now completed on my blog and we'll be fast-tracking through it on Wattpad. Daily updates until we reach the end next week. I'm hoping this will spread some light into people's lives and make the day that little bit better for people following the results of the US election. So many of my friends and acquaintances are hurting right now. I just want to offer something fluffy and sweet for those who need or want a comfort read. Take care of yourselves!