Hey, what is happening in your corner of the world? You haven't updated for some time now. Are you just working on chapters and waiting to upload them for when you have multiple at the ready? I've thought of you several times, wondering why I don't see anything new from you. =)

@littlelolawrites Sooo... I only just saw that you wrote back now. I've been really busy lately. It's actually a bit conflicting because I'm in a good place writing-wise, but I should actually be more focused on packing up my home because I'm getting the keys to my new house in 2 weeks time... Yet, I find myself on here instead of packing... it's a bit of a problem really. =D

Hi!! Thank you so much for checking up on me, that means a lot to me❤️. Sadly I haven’t gotten any writing done in the past month and it’s kind of killing me. I just have so much going on and it’s hard to find my motivation. But I NEED to get back in the swing of it cause it’s making me sad to not be writing at all right now. I hope all is well with you !!!