
Why do people still read the books I started writing when I was 14??????
          	For reference I'm almost 17 in a little month I'm gonna be old enough to learn to drive 
          	I was a mere child who had no idea what they where writing and 44 THOUSAND people read one of my books. like r u ok? 
          	Idk I just keep getting new notifications of people finding my books and I'm just shocked that people still see them 


Why do people still read the books I started writing when I was 14??????
          For reference I'm almost 17 in a little month I'm gonna be old enough to learn to drive 
          I was a mere child who had no idea what they where writing and 44 THOUSAND people read one of my books. like r u ok? 
          Idk I just keep getting new notifications of people finding my books and I'm just shocked that people still see them 


Hey sorry for anyone who reads my stuff I'm currently not working on any of them cos I've started different projects and college so my story's are up for people to rewrite just message me and credit me in the first page of th book 


hey ik I haven't been writing and I don't think I'm going to finish any of my stories so like if anyone wants they can just take them from me but @me I'd like to read a better version of the stuff I tried and sorta failed to write 
          this doesn't mean I'm nor ever gonna add to any stories it's just I just can't be bothered I don't have any motivation and I'm starting colege 


idea that I probably won't write that someone can steal if they want 
          main character is a spirit that follows another character around 
          I thought about this as izuku from mha as the spirit and being attached to bakugo like so they met in the woods or something when bakugo was a kid and izuku is permanently a child cos he died as one and became like a nature spirit and became friends with kachan and wants to find his murderer and like all for one is the murderer 
          if anyone writes this up I'm fine with u using my idea but tell me when u write it so I can read it please 


Who else gets like real anxious when they see someone's either replied to a comment or one of your stories? 
          I mean people are generally nice but it's- idk 
          Ewwwwwwww society. 


@Oceanawolf ye. It's just mini panic mode isn't it. But tbh I've not seen anyone be rude maybe a bit confused but not proper rude 


@littlelunaria you know how I felt when you replied now


Don't judge me but I think if deku was slightly insane the way he would actually become a villan is being way too awquard with someone and just murdering them XD 
          I might write some mha one shots but tbh i should finish the stories I have rather than start new ones 