
Happy Holidays!


also I do want to say that for anyone that was here during the very beginning: the power ranger phase.... I have come up with an idea, I just want to know if it is interesting to anyone
          basically power rangers but not white straight people


Okay so I might be back, so lemme get you an update:
          I’ve started a creative writing class, I feel so much better about my writing that I’ve even decided to minor next year in writing.
          I prepping college auditions for Music Education, and it’s hella stressful, but also exciting. I graduate in 7 months.
          I watch ninjago still, I watch youtubers still, but my latest love has been watching GTArp, especially Ziggy, Ashlynnarias, Ssaab, and Miltontpike. The entertainment never ends.
          I’m still hella gay :)