
tbh I'm really debating if I should delete my account because I rarely go on here anymore... I had nebula written up to the eleventh chapter but my laptop crashed and now I'm back at zero. I can't even watch the same movie twice, much less write the same chapter. f m l


Oi, tudo bem com vocês.  Vim aqui pra convidar para lerem a minha obra, chama o Guerreiro Celestial, fala sobre um ser de um mundo distinto que após sua aparente morte e perda de memória e o dialogo com mulheres em um lugar muito estranho acaba indo para na Amazônia, em meio a aldeias indígenas.
          segue o link:
          e galera, me indiquei as suas tambem, me seguem que sigo de volta e se poderem dar uma olhada no meu canal do YOUTUBE e se increver seria uma ajuda imensa.
          o Link: segue o link:


tbh I'm really debating if I should delete my account because I rarely go on here anymore... I had nebula written up to the eleventh chapter but my laptop crashed and now I'm back at zero. I can't even watch the same movie twice, much less write the same chapter. f m l


hi, i just want to drop a note on how talented you are as a writer. nebula is a masterpiece tbh. i like the characters, they were so distinct to each other and the way you write it, it blows me away. for someone who had english as their fourth language, you write well (i almost can't spot the mistakes until someone else does). please don't give up on nebula and please i just want to let you know how you're so talented and this site may be unfair for those who actually had a gift to write, not just writing some overused plots and scenes.


i'm on a fücking roll, i swear. i just finished chapter three of nebula and they are sooo fücking looong, yet here i am. i'm kinda surprised tbh, i remember when i couldnt do two pages without feeling like im dragging the story and feeling shïtty and tired, now im pulling three-four pages out of myself like nobodies business.
          plus, the prologue is eight fücking pages long, wtf
          also, sorry that i swear like a sailor.