
my niece got me sick with the flu >:( BUT i’m better mow! so updates will happen this weekend and the beginning of the week.
          	i’m also probably going to have to find a second (part time) job, but i’m going to wait a little bit to do that to get these updates out of the way <3


@littleratremy hope you feel better. my whole household just had norovirus 


my niece got me sick with the flu >:( BUT i’m better mow! so updates will happen this weekend and the beginning of the week.
          i’m also probably going to have to find a second (part time) job, but i’m going to wait a little bit to do that to get these updates out of the way <3


@littleratremy hope you feel better. my whole household just had norovirus 


A Mother’s Pain will be updated tomorrow! I was going to do it tonight, but I’m going in early tomorrow so I’m heading to bed now <3
          Guardian Angel will be updated on Sunday or Monday <3 I haven’t forgotten about our bby girl Hunter <3


Hello I want to ask to make sure I don’t make you uncomfortable by reading your stories. I’m a non binary bisexual and I don’t see anything saying I can’t but I also just want to make sure it’s something you’re okay with. 


Non-binary does NOT = men. I’m non-binary myself. It’d be weird to prevent other trans people from reading my stories


          Family [Omg an update?!]
          Alcina x Reader and a little bit of info as to why I’ve been MIA <3


@Aerox17 UPDATE!! gonna try and update again sometime this weekend <3


@littleratremy Are you still uploading on this account I haven’t checked in forever


The writing app I use has been a$$ and crashing a lot on me, but I should have an update tonight before I go to bed!


I plan to update either tomorrow or monday. I’m going to add an author’s note for why I’ve been MIA, but the main reason has been writer’s block because of stress, but I’m going to take some time to block out everything else and just write for a bit after work tomorrow.


Hi, I was wondering if you could put a link to your professional account please? I keep trying to search for it but nothing comes up


That’s because I had to change the @ due to stalkers and Wattpad not doing anything about them. (they’d literally harass me for a whole week every month). The account’s still around just under a different @. Once I go through and start posting there again, I’ll make the announcement of where to find it. If you want to follow it before then, it’s in my following list. Let me go look at the @ 


1) Happy belated holidays and happy new year!
          2) my state got hit with a snowstorm (and we’re supposed to have another this weekend), so it’s cold but otherwise, we’re fine!
          3) I’ll be updating Guardian Angel tonight! A Mother’s Pain will be updated tomorrow!
          Monday I’ll be updating multiple times throughout the day <3


I’m okay!! It’s still freezing here (especially today), but now that I have most of the snow has melted and I’ve fixed some parts of chapters I’ve been writing, this week will be a mass upload <3 
            I know I shouldn’t, but I’ve felt so bad about not posting :( but I, sadly, got hit with writer’s block for a bit (it’s gone now)


Hiii, happy new year author!! I hope you are ok, keep warm yeah? 