
Hey guys, Remy here! And I know I'm a bit late to this, but I wanted to thank you guys for over 15k on Face Your Demons! That's insane, and I have you guys to thank for it. Much love much love. ❤️
          	Also, I thought I'd give a quick update for those who care - I'm doing okay. Life's been a bit down as of late but I'm trying my best to get better. As for my stories, I haven't really worked on anything because I've either been working or watching Twitch and playing Stardew Valley. I apologize that my account has taken a back seat for a while, especially because I thought I'd be a lot more motivated once I was out of school. I can't promise anything will be coming out in the next month or so because I just don't know.
          	Anyways, ramble over. I hope you all are well and enjoy your summer time off. I'll see you around lovelies. And as always, heart you. ❤️


Hey guys, Remy here! And I know I'm a bit late to this, but I wanted to thank you guys for over 15k on Face Your Demons! That's insane, and I have you guys to thank for it. Much love much love. ❤️
          Also, I thought I'd give a quick update for those who care - I'm doing okay. Life's been a bit down as of late but I'm trying my best to get better. As for my stories, I haven't really worked on anything because I've either been working or watching Twitch and playing Stardew Valley. I apologize that my account has taken a back seat for a while, especially because I thought I'd be a lot more motivated once I was out of school. I can't promise anything will be coming out in the next month or so because I just don't know.
          Anyways, ramble over. I hope you all are well and enjoy your summer time off. I'll see you around lovelies. And as always, heart you. ❤️


apologizes for the spam of notifications from this account, but I'm back baby!
          for all my new followers, hi there~ my name is Remy, or Red - whichever you'd like to call me by. thanks for checking out my page and sorry for being away for such a long time.
          damn, I've missed this so much. how have you guys been?
          honestly, I've hit a really low point, the lowest I've ever gone. and I think its asinine that I didn't think about coming back here to this loving community.
          while I'm back, I've decided to post a poetry that is a couple months in the works. I will update irregularly just depending on how much I write. in the mean time, go check it out and let me know what you think. I hope you guys really enjoy it because it really does mean a lot to me, especially because it's so different than what I've done in the past. 
          I hope you all are in good health and that the new year is treating you right. hopefully you'll be seeing me around here more often when I'm not stressed over college.
          I've missed you guys. and until next time, heart you lovelies. ♥


Hey there guys. I know it's been a bit since I've written anything here on Wattpad, but I thought I'd let you know where my plans are going from here.
          Honestly, I don't think I will be working on stories anymore. I am no longer motivated to sit down and churn out content for you guys. I apologize dearly, but I hope you guys understand. I will, however, keep up Face Your Demons, Underrated, and Hypnotic. Other stories, like Queen of New York, will be taken down because I don't see it right to have you guys anticipating a story that's not going to be there.
          Before I go, I just wanted to thank you guys for all the support you've shown me and my stories. Perhaps I will be back to writing stories soon, but until then, thank you all for everything and I'll see you around. Heart you. ♥


Hey guys. I know it's been a minute, but I thought I'd make a quick little update.
          I've decided that I am stepping away from the wrestling fandom here on Wattpad. I just haven't been truly invested in the sport for a couple months now and I find it really hard to try to work on any of my stories. Instead of trying to force myself to put out work, I've decided just to stop.
          No need to worry, though. Underrated, Face Your Demons, and Hypnotic will continue to be up on my page for your reading pleasure. In the mean time, I really want to try to put out more original stories. So keep an eye out for that.
          Thank you guys for all your support. And until next time, heart you.♥


Hey guys. Since I've got a little bit of a break, I thought I'd let you know that I have just posted on my collaborative account @wattculture about WhatCulture WWE. If that sounds like your cup of tea, please go check it out.
          Also, I am currently working on Legacy and a more original piece whenever I get the time, so don't think I forgot about you guys. I hope you all are doing well. ♥


Hey, guys. So it's been a hot minute since we've last talked. College is amazing, but I'll spare you the details. Since I've had a bit of a break from cramming homework, I thought I'd just say 'Hello!' and see how you guys are. Also, I may be working on some new things behind the scenes, and even an original story. Stay tuned. ♥