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I am sick of being in-over-my-head.
I am sick of drowning in school work and bullshit and family problems. I am sick of time slipping through my fingers and not making my own choices and having my voice silenced. I am sick of not living my life because of the shit I have to put first. What effect will this stupid geography assignment and English exam and psychology test and literature book have on my future job? Future partner? Future kids? Why am I crying at my desk covered in too many text books and stress over something that soon enough, won't even matter? Why can't I just reach the surface to breathe. I am not breathing. I am a 17 year old girl just trying to get an education to get into uni to get a degree that will lead me to a job that will let me actually let me make a difference, but instead I have the stress levels of a 40 year old single mum of 6. I should be young, living my life, experiencing what the world has to offer and achieving things that really matter. 2015 is finishing in 4 months and what have I done? Fuck all, that's what. Because I never get 2 seconds to breathe. I finish 1 thing, I get another 5.
I am sick of being in-over-my-head. Let me breathe.