
Hi everyone! It's me! Long time no see, I know. And in sorry I've been gone so long. But here's the scoop. Im taking my story down. But don't be scared. I'm only revamping it. I feel like its too juvenile so I'm going to make it truly rated r and not section off true rates r parts because I think that takes away from te story. Stick with me. The story should be back up in a little. Tootles. 


Hi everyone! It's me! Long time no see, I know. And in sorry I've been gone so long. But here's the scoop. Im taking my story down. But don't be scared. I'm only revamping it. I feel like its too juvenile so I'm going to make it truly rated r and not section off true rates r parts because I think that takes away from te story. Stick with me. The story should be back up in a little. Tootles. 


I made some really awesome covers on my own (like, 8 of them :d) and I've decided that I will one of them into each chapter and you guys can vote on the one you like best. The one I added, the one that is the cover of the story right now, is my favorite but I want readers opinions. 


Hey fans and readers!! I just updated! Go check it out :)
          I am looking for a new cover for my story. I loved the cover, it's beautiful! But, Brooke is blonde and the girl isn't so it doesn't match. When I made the cover I had no characters in mind so it worked, but I need something new. Help me out!
          Make me a cover and I will dedicate my next chapter to you!