Part 3 LASTLY (IMPORTANT): Trust me, I'm an avid reader too and I know how frustrating it it when a story I love and adore doesn't get any updates for years. I know it's torture. But please, I implore you, don't copy or steal my work or continue it in any form on any website!!! I've spent hours and hours of planning, writing and proofreading on that story, for every single chapter in my spare time, and it's all based on my ideas and head cannons! Taking that away from me, marketing it as your own work is just mean and hollow and inconsiderate. So everything that you see out there that seems like a copy, please report it. There is nobody that I gave approval to continue / add to this story, to repost it anywhere else, to rewrite or translate it. This right here is the original. And big thank you to everyone reporting something in the past during my absence! Your support doesn't go unnoticed I really hope you are doing good, and als long as this story still brings joy to people, I am very happy :) sorryy for the long text, you can of course still ask me anything else, whatever you want. Hope you have a great day ❤️

i’m so sad to see this just after finishing it that you’re not completing it ☹️☹️

@ litupworld Omg, I came to ask if you were okay and it turns out that you posted something, I'm glad you're okay, it also makes me sad, you know you're not going to update the Fanfic But I understand your decision not to continue with the fanfic. Well thanks for giving signs of life haha (By the way, English is not my first language, I hope the text is good)