Hey guys! It's been a while! So.. Check out the new cover for "My night Sky"!! I absolutely love it <3<3 It's per-fect! (If you know, you know ;D)
Credits go to Vrinda Goel who is the creator of the new book cover.
Thank you so much Vrinda for taking your time out and creating this amazing cover. Love you loads!
And... I would like to thank each and every one of the readers for "My Night Sky" because now we hit 2.5K reads!! WHOO-HOO! I know I haven't been uploading lately, and yet, the reads have increased. Thank you so much guys!!
Speaking of uploading, I'm sorry about that. I have been very busy with other things, but I will try my best to write and upload a new chapter by the end of the next week. So stay tuned!