
Can I ask a question, why the hell do people hate swearing?! Like there just words. I don't underhand!!  Someone help!!!


this message may be offensive
          	  i swear all the time i don't give a fuck ass what people think 
          	  but i would out swear a sailor under the table  
          	  really i would  #swearingizlife


Can I ask a question, why the hell do people hate swearing?! Like there just words. I don't underhand!!  Someone help!!!


this message may be offensive
            i swear all the time i don't give a fuck ass what people think 
            but i would out swear a sailor under the table  
            really i would  #swearingizlife


I'm I the only one who dosent understand why people are dating at shuch a young age? Like, why in the world do you need a boyfriend? I'm single and I'm proud! I don't need no man in my life........maybe.....


Haha! I'm dying!


            No,No mabe, you said it, then you ruined it.
            Gawd damn it!


Hay guys!!!!! Big thanks to everyone who has followed me! But I have bad new.........I'm handing over my account to on of my dear friends her name is Kaitlyn and she is fantastic she has asked me the last little while for me to put her pic on the profile pic place so I would have used mine but I thought she was a lot prettier than me. So Kaitlyn will be taking over this account she is a wonderful girl I love her and she has joined my friend group the last little while, don't worry I will still be writing or at least helping her write the story's I have started. If any of you guys unfollow I understand, but I hope you give Kaitlyn a chance. I love and will miss you all-leevee


Hay peeps!!!! How y'all doin. Ok just wanted to let you know that I am happy to know that you are thankful for my following but if you don't want to you don't have to write a thank you but if you do be my guest!!! Thanks crazies- leevee