Katie | 15 | i like writing and music and disney but usually i write just about whatever comes to mine 
  • summertrain
  • EntrouAugust 13, 2012

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livesinjersey livesinjersey Sep 01, 2014 05:48PM
Anyway I have a new story coming that is probably just as bad and I will be posting some of my poetry!
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Histórias de Katie Chance
A Tinkered Hook, de livesinjersey
A Tinkered Hook
Just read it I'm bad at descriptions ok
ranking #910 em captainhook Ver todos os rankings
FAQ's for livesinjersey, de livesinjersey
FAQ's for livesinjersey
These are some questions I've been asked all in one place. You can ask something in the comments as well.
Barlights - Katie's POV, de livesinjersey
Barlights - Katie's POV
And for the first time I feel alive.