hello, my wonderful fans. :)
i'm baaack! :D i know, i've been gone forever. there is an explanation as to why i was at the end of the chapter that i just put up. i tried to make it long... dunno how well that worked out. it's my favorite chapter so far though!! it's... i dunno it's just better. in my opinion. so yeah, pleeease go read it and comment and vote and oh! give me title ideas too, please! cause i never really liked the currnet one.. anyway i'm gonna go now. i think i'm gonna start on chapter 6.. :)
i love each and every one of you. i am not kidding. i love you with a passion. too far? haha sorry i'm just relieved to have finally updated! ok byebye now my lovely, lovely fans! and other people that happen to read this..
kay bye now i'm really going this time.