
i really like this guy and i reallly wanna ask him out but if rejects me i don’t know what id do we have all the same friends and we have classes together and we talk all the time idk even if we did date if we broke up both of us would be hella unstable. idk i’m thinking to much we aren’t even together i don’t need to think abt us breaking up wtf lol idk idk advise(?) for me(?)


i really like this guy and i reallly wanna ask him out but if rejects me i don’t know what id do we have all the same friends and we have classes together and we talk all the time idk even if we did date if we broke up both of us would be hella unstable. idk i’m thinking to much we aren’t even together i don’t need to think abt us breaking up wtf lol idk idk advise(?) for me(?)


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Tw: ED, venting like a little bitch, sounding like an asshole
          I need help and I don’t know how to ask for it but I just don’t know what to do I have had symptoms of an eating disorder since third grade and now that I am in high school it has gotten a lot worse and I know I need to eat but I just can’t and every time I try I feel invalid because it is just fucking food literal infants can eat but I can’t and I feel nauseated just writing about eating oh my fuck I hate myself


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Tw: mentions of self harm,  Venting like the fucking bitch that I am, and sounding like an asshole. 
          Hello anyone unfortunate enough to read this. I am honestly quite sad and upset right now and I feel as though I need to talk about it so I am going to confide in random strangers on the internet yay. Firstly my eight teen month old puppy was diagnosed with lymphoma about six days ago and three days ago we had to have her put down as you might be able to imagine I have been quite distraught about that as she was my service dog for anxiety and depression and now that she is gone I kinda of feel like I have nothing to live for. I have also not seen my girlfriend in the last few days because I went on a college tour for two days with a total of seventeen hours of driving. My grades are plummeting faster than most of you fall for fictional characters and if my will to live was scored on the same scale as my grades it would be lower than my gpa. I am just in a perpetual state of boredom but nothing sounds interesting and I am so so tired all the time. I feel like I am overreacting because I know so many other people have it worse than me and I feel selfish for wanting to be heard and noticed by others. I have also not self harmed in almost a month but I feel like I need to do that I can get what I deserve after being so fucking selfish.