
im currently rewriting and editing white lotus,
          	so if you’re wondering where it went, that is 
          	the reason


@lixiepops thank you. I was reading it but will patiently wait for the reupload.


Dear lili, new reader here. ( I normally would address you as author nim but since I’ve just finished He’s the one , I know better to just call you lili)
          I’m not sure if this would reach you because I belatedly found out you’ve left wetpad. I respect your decision, be it for personal reasons, for school or just burnout. 
          I just wanted to tell you that you’re a talented writer. I love your Sassy( and yet insecure) Tae. I thoroughly enjoyed HTO. Thank you.
          I will now read Vixen’s Lotus. I know I will love it too whether you will finish it or not. I’m following you and I will very happy if one day there will be notification from your update.
          Thank you, again. Good luck in whatever you’re pursuing in life.


it’s my 22nd birthday !! hello loves, just wanted
          to pop in and say hello, i’m a year older now
          and i just spent the last hour looking through
          my books from the beginning of my time here
          on wattpad since i was sixteen … man that was
          a lifetime ago.
          but anyways, i hope ur all doing good :)
          have a beautiful night/morning <3


happy belated birthday..we’re birthday month twins!!❤️


Happy birthday! 


Happy birthday!!


okay i’m all caught up w editing and rewriting
          the published chapters of vixen’s lotus —so
          now i’ll be taking the time to write the newest
          chapters to upload <3


@svntae_ it will have no more than fifty, as i plan on writing more lengthy chapters


thank u so much again for reuploading…no rush as u said take ur time but like how many chapters do u think the book will hv if u dont mind me asking??