
Hello everyone, it's been quite some time, I truly missed it here! From time to time I take a little glimpse at my notifications from this app and just today, I saw that How To Love has two #1's; #1 in badboyseries and #1 in cancersurvivor. This is surreal, thank you dearly for the continuous support. I love you guys unconditionally! 


Hello everyone, it's been quite some time, I truly missed it here! From time to time I take a little glimpse at my notifications from this app and just today, I saw that How To Love has two #1's; #1 in badboyseries and #1 in cancersurvivor. This is surreal, thank you dearly for the continuous support. I love you guys unconditionally! 


Hello everyone, I just wanted to announce that I've finally finished editing and updating my Duology "How To Love" and "Chasing Secrets". Additionally, I wanted to express my gratitude towards those who have read both books, who have voted, commented, saved and shared. The support resonates a great amount of love in my heart forever. I couldn't have been more confident about my passion for writing without you all! Unfortunately I will not be publishing any new books for some time because of how busy I am, but I can assure you all that I will start writing again when I graduate university next year. In between I may update my small poetry collection, but other than that I will be M.I.A. from writing. For now, keep calm and carry on :)
          Your Writer,
          Aaliyah Hosein ♡


Aaliyah :) 


@officialminderella I'm looking forward to reading your work ❤️


@KingKhuthi I have three books also if you're interested in reading any.


Hey loves! It's been a while that I haven't communicated with everyone:( but I promise I'll get back to all the chapter requests. I've started another project, HOW TO LOVE✔ for those who haven't started. I most certainly appreciate the effort of support for my previous book and to add to it, I'm writing another for you all! Enjoy!
          Aaliyah xoxo


I just got done reading 'beyond seeing' and gurllll that book made me fall in love with love hasn't got the amount of appreciation it deserves but I won't be surprised if I start re reading it and it has millions of views!!!!....for your first try that book is gold


@_hopelesslover_ I'm blessed :))))))) Thank you for your honest opinion. Truly appreciative xoxo


Hey! Thank you so much for reading "Knowing Xavier" ^_^ really hope you like it and don't hesitate to share your views ❤️


            Aww, thank you ^_^ and sure I will, asap ❤️


@ScarlettBlackDaisy i must say it was one of the greatest books ever written. How about checking out my two novels? Much appreciated!