
New Updates of Light Behind Your Eyes will be on my new account: KarlyWith AK


Hey guys! I am sorry that I have not been updating! I am so busy with college and working two jobs. Also trying to maintain my (non existing) social life. XD  I am starting a new 'book' and it will be just updates about my life, what books im working on/adding/taking down. So I don't have to update my conversations. (Whats with the new layout?!)


Hey guys! I have some news that some of you may be happy for.....I got a new laptop today! You know what that means? More updates! Now I have freshman orientation on monday and then I will be busy so I will be updating as much as I can this weekend, PROMISE!!!


I know I  have not been updating stories, sorry. My shift key is broken on my laptop and I cannot type anything but I have been writing my updates so I do have drafts started and being started. I am working my life away on writing drafts so I will get them typed up as soon as I can. Sorry loves and I will make it up to you  when I get long term keyboard usage. Love you and thanks for being understanding.