
Chapter 2 is up and ready y'all. Don't forget to comment and vote. 


Hi y'all, ok sorry for the long, long wait for Unconditional love. I am going to put that on hold, because I am brain storming for a new book. The new one will be more SYFY, adventure, love. It's going to be something completely different than what you're used to reading. Stay turned, I promise it's worth the wait. 


I'm not sure if I'll continue Unconditional love because NO one is commenting or voting, and I hardly get any reads. Apparently my works are crap, and I shouldn't waste my time. If anyone wants more let me know, or else I'm deleting ALL OF MY WORKS. 


I'm struggling with the story. It's like I don't know what to write. I guess how I feel is showing in my writing. I just don't know anymore. Probably just having one of my moods. 


@lizcos03 Liz, don't do that!! Don't delete it. Not any of it. It's not crap. Let's find a way and promote it instead. It is good. ❤️