
Hey everyone! I’m sorry I haven’t written anything in a while, I’ve been going through some issues and moving into a new home and what not takes it’s toll. But I will hopefully be updating the stories soon. Keep you posted! Thank you for the continuous reads and support!


@lizzybear1017 hope you are doing ok and I hope you'll be able to continue your stories *ahem* (tsu'tey x reader) *ahem*


@lizzybear1017 how did I miss your post!?
          	  Anyway I get how feel, don't stress.


@lizzybear1017 I'm glad to hear you're doing better. Well wishes will still be coming your way, however <3


Hi lizzybear. I am a big fan of your book avatar pandora. I want to ask you to please go on with the book with Tsu'tey x reader but in the ways of the water where Tsu'tey and reader have there child this book is my favorite. If you can do it, it would be amazing. Thank you 


Have you heard Avatar the way of water coming I can't wait to see if you do the second movie! If you don't that is fine but I can't wait to see if you do! Please take your time don't stress yourself out when writing your other books stay safe and stay healthy!❤