
@xXxCookieMonstaxXx That sounds like it'd be fun to do! Let me know how it goes because I know the reactions are always the best xP
          	I'm going to post up another page of 'funny ways to answer the phone' once I've uploaded the next chapter of 'Undercover in Progress, I'll include yours if you don't mind? :) And thank you for becoming my follower! xD


I really like, The Bodyguard. It's been awhile since I read a book about a strong woman protecting a man. The part where Craig is being sexist gets to me and I'm all like, "Wait till she beats up a bunch of guys and be all ninja like while you can barely handle a punch and don't...."
          So anyway, amazing story idea. Keep writing!


I'm not sure if that discussion was closed or not, but this is my story :)
          What happens between blades of grass?
          When Acacia Clark is sent out to California for the summer, she’s anything but excited. She struggles with the death of her mother, while coping with being away from her friends for her seventeenth summer. Not only has she not heard from her father for eight years, she hasn’t met her stepmother, either. 
          She’s in for an even bigger surprise when she comes face to face with Damon- her rebellious, sexy, frustrating stepbrother, whom she’s unfortunately stuck with for three months. Damon’s nothing but an arrogant, unreliable, immature dissident without a care for any one’s feelings other than his own- especially a girl’s, right? 
          This could very be Acacia’s finest summer yet. No one’s here to stop her… no one but herself, that is. Ever since her childhood, she’s always remembered that everything that goes up, must come down - and being on top of the world only gives you further to fall. Acacia finds trouble when trying to love, not fall in love, because she knows that everything that falls gets broken.


@xXxCookieMonstaxXx That sounds like it'd be fun to do! Let me know how it goes because I know the reactions are always the best xP
          I'm going to post up another page of 'funny ways to answer the phone' once I've uploaded the next chapter of 'Undercover in Progress, I'll include yours if you don't mind? :) And thank you for becoming my follower! xD


I have one to add to "funny ways to answer the phone." I haven't used it yet but I plan to. 
          - "There are 3 snipers pointed at your face, make your last words count.."
          I plan on using it next chance I get and if its someone I know I'll get the walkie talkie and pretend to call off the attack. :p 
          it's gonna be fun. . . >:)


Not sure who's reading Undercover in Progress but Chapter 5 - Police Gatherings and Second Meetings is now up! And because I got ridiculously sunburned yesterday, I'm stuck in the house for a while so Chapter Six will probably be up in the next few days :)


Okay, long time and no writing I know, but I just can't think of the next step in some of my stories. So here's what this is all about: I'm putting all my stories on hold at the moment BUT I will definitely finish them, I'm waiting to come up with a good idea instead of writing for the sake of writing.
          The only story I will continue with is 'The Bodyguard as I already know where I'm going with that and know the ending, just have to think of some extra bits to fluff it out and I have another story I'm starting that I know where I'm going with it, I'll post the first chap up sometime today. Hope everyone's having a good summer despite the weather :)


Thank you so much for friend-fanning me. I am so glad you enjoyed the book. I hope you enjoy the published copy as well. The added chapters from Braxton will make you understand him more. Thank you for voting for every single chapter! 
          I see you have a lot of stories of your own, I am looking forward to reading yours! So, be looking for me- creeping around leaving comments and voting. Be warned, sometimes, well, most of the time, I am long winded! lol See you soon!


I will be posting the next chapter of The Arkayon on monday as I need to check that my teacher will still read my story as proof of my Creative CAS hours. So it'll be up after she tells me she'd read it, sorry for the wait.