
@Breeky yah I am actually reading welcome to the universe which I totally love.. I'm still adding book to my libraray since I only recently got an account. I probably have like 60 books saved on my iPod haha


@Sunflowolf13 haha no seem like an awesome person! I have what I think to be an awesome story in mind but i don't think I could pull it off. I might post this really stupid english project i had to do though. we got a paragraph of a "scary" (it was totally bone chilling! not) story and we had to finish it..but im not sure


Thanks:) I've been on wattpad for like 2 years but I finally decided to make an account.. the only thing that sucks is this stupid cow picture. I'm on my iPod so I can't change it. I am not a cow and happy sun shinny rainbow type of person haha