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Bitches be saying "lol why do we even have Black Lives Matter!? Shouldn't all lives matter!?" Well no shit, but ethnic groups even today still have repression and judgement by their beliefs and skin tone by allegations, Black History Month exists to remind people that yes, these groups are humans too, sure there are some bad eggs that go "we deserve more, you white people should be picking cotton for us now" and just- people suck sometimes, people just fucking suck, same with weirdos going to pride parades with gimp suits and their crotches out and complain how nobody brings their kids, some people just suck, it's not because of their skin, or sexuality, it's just something wrong with them as a person that gives that group a bad name and stereotypes them.
Pride month and Black History Month is just to remind people who stay in their perfect worlds where everything seems fine and dandy and brings up how there is still problems and how they are people too, some people suck, some people don't deserve the treatment they are getting.
That's my hot take.