
I was rereading some of my stories and I realized how bad I was at writing when I was 12 lol. I might keep Purrfect Romance ideas but the story is going to have to be entirely redone lol. Sorry guys.


Is "Dust to Dust." going to be greater then "He's a Vampire, I am his Slave."?
          With there be more action or romance?
          When do you plan to write "Dust to Dust."?
          I can't wait to read the sequel book,... Sorry about my questions but I'm way too excited about this!


@rahi0404 I still have many more questions but the one thing I need to keep me alive is sleep. I have been up since... hmm... it is 11pm something so that means almost 2 and a half days and I'm running on air! I need the dust to dust, it has become one of my few things I now look forward too.


@Saberutti I agree with u